پرامپت chatgpt برای معلم زبان

پرامپتهای کاربردی ChatGPT برای معلم‌های زبان

در این مطلب سعی می‌کنیم prompt های چت‌ جی‌پی‌تی که برای استادان زبان مناسب هست رو لیست و تقسیم بندی کنیم. اگر شما هم پرامپت خوبی دارید لطفا کامنت کنید تا به لیست اضافه کنیم.

1. Descriptive Writing Practice: ” provide a detailed description of a bustling city street, including sights, sounds, and smells, to help students practice their descriptive writing skills.”

2. Grammar Correction: ” here is a paragraph written by a student. Please correct any grammatical errors and explain why the changes were necessary to improve their understanding of English grammar.”

3. Vocabulary Building: ” list 10 advanced adjectives related to emotions and provide sentences showing their usage, to help students expand their emotional vocabulary.”

4. Idiomatic Expressions: ” explain the meaning of the idiom ‘hit the nail on the head’ and use it in three different context-based sentences to help students understand and use English idioms.”

5. Conversation Practice: ” simulate a conversation between two people meeting for the first time in a coffee shop, focusing on common greetings, introductions, and small talk to help students with conversational English.”

6. Storytelling Aid: ” create a story starter about an unexpected adventure, and ask students to continue the story, aiding them in developing their creative writing and narrative skills.”

7. Pronunciation Guide: ” provide a list of commonly mispronounced English words by non-native speakers, along with phonetic transcriptions and audio examples for pronunciation practice.”

8. Cultural Explanation: ” describe a typical American Thanksgiving celebration including history, customs, and food, to help students learn about cultural aspects of English-speaking countries.”

9. Listening Comprehension: ” write a short dialogue about planning a vacation, which teachers can read aloud. Then, provide comprehension questions for students to answer, focusing on listening skills.”

10. Role-play Scenarios: ” create a role-play scenario between a doctor and a patient discussing symptoms and treatments, to help students practice medical English and conversational skills in professional contexts.”

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